Monday, November 29, 2004


What a lazy day I had on Friday! Final Fantasy X all day! After a full day of fun, we were going to head to my parent's place for more of that delicious thanksgiving food! Mmmmmmmmm. As life would have it, I twisted my ankle on the broken step in front of my building and fell flat on my back. I called out to Tobacco but he said that when he turned I was already close to the ground. It happened that fast!

I started crying because my ankle hurt. I keep saying I think I broke my ankle but Tobacco told me that I just twisted it. The dispatcher at the taxi stand called an ambulance for me. I didn't want to take it but the few people who saw me fall said that since I stepped on the broken step and it caused me to twist my foot it was better that I took the ambulance. They also said that I would be seen faster if I took the ambulance.

When they finally came, they put me and checked my ankle. The EMT said that it was most likely a sprain. I saw 3 doctors that night in the ER and they all said that I have the symptoms of a sprain but the x-ray found a fracture in my ankle at the fibula. The place where it was fractured made it a "stable" fracture. Due to this, they didn't give me a cast nor a splint. They did give me crutches. I was in and out of the ER in 90 minutes! Thank God.

Tomorrow I see my doctor about my ankle. He is a podiatrist but I called him and he said that he would see me. I am hoping that he will concur that I am good without the cast. I have been using the stablizer boot that he gave me for my foot surgery and it has been helping. Although, whenever I twist my foot or pick it up it hurts a little.

So now, I will be out of work a couple of days...(yay!) BUT without pay! (aw...) To be honest I would rather be at work than to be home with a fractured ankle. Argh...

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Thanksgiving Day

Yay! Thanksgiving was a success. I got plenty of leftovers and all of it was GOOD! I made it to my future in-laws and my parent's house but I missed out on my best bud's house! :-( She is a good cook too.

I was bad cause I had to partake of the flesh. Yep, I had some turkey. It was delicious too. Good food, good conversation, family and friends is what makes Thanksgiving the best holiday ever. Also, I had a lot of reasons to be thankful.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Thank you Jeff Tweedy

"Stop trying to treat music like it's a tennis shoe, something to be
branded. If the music industry wants to save money, they should take a
look at some of their six-figure executive expense accounts. All those
lawsuits can't be cheap, either." Jeff Tweedy of Wilco

See Wired News, 'Music Is Not a Loaf of Bread'


Yesterday I took the final for my Discrete Math. For those who don't
know, I hated that class. I tried hard but my mind could not get
proofs. I studied and then realized - if I didn't understand it
before how was I going to understand it now! lol

I ended up focusing on the stuff I was confident in. As it turns out,
my professor chose alot of the things I knew! Yay! But of course
there was proofs! Bleach...

I am sure I passed this class with a C! Yay. Gotta celebrate at Edo's!

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Round and Round

Negative energy affects people in many different ways. Many people lash out while others turn it inward and let it fester. I am not sure which one is better. I am going to try to defuse the negative energy I have now. I am angry and sad. My first reaction was to take it out on someone but in an attempt to prevent this, I talked a little about it and cried.

I know that I have been feeling negatively since I do not feel in control of anything. I feel like my voice isn't being heard. Sometimes when I try to reach out and explain my thoughts and feelings - I end up feeling inadequate or what I said is turned on me. (Because that always helps.) So I end up at square one.

Since I am very sensitive to my surroundings, I tend to get affected very easily. I can not think of any way to turn my cubicle into a area conducive to creative thought and productivity. Although I don't feel negative when I get home, I just feel unmotivated. Sapped.

So here I am. How am I going to turn this frown upside down? Writing this down has helped me to find some relief but I know it won't last. As soon as I get home, I will feel like I am in the way and that my presence just causes the greatest irritation. This makes me sad again. I am not perfect. I can be annoying but I hate, whether its intentional or not, that me just entering a room can make someone fill up with bile. I can hear the flesh crawling and can feel the anger.

This isn't always the situation but it cuts and it hurts. And I hate it.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Right after Veteran's Day

This morning, a New York radio station - Z100 was doing a skit called Wheel of Taxi where you guess the name of the cab driver by guessing letters in order to win tickets to their charity concert. Well, the cabbie they got on the phone was trying to be funny and said that he would cut Greg-T's head off.

I did not find that funny at all. I thought they should have ended the skit right there. I am not sure what Elvis was trying to do but a little while later he says, "There might be a beheading before the end of the skit." I thought that was tasteless.

So I decided to email them. This is what I said:

Dear Morning Zoo,

I love you guys but I have to say that I thought the comment that the cabbie said about cutting Greg T's head of was insensitive and inappropriate. Elvis didn't help the situation when he said there may be a beheading before the end of the skit. That was tasteless and tacky. You should have found a way to end the skit.

I am not angered but disappointed in how that situation was dealt with.


I wonder how many calls and emails they have gotten about those comments. I am sure alot of people in this area have family out there. I am one of those people.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

iPod Cover

A couple of weeks ago, I brought an iPod case for me and Pixie Rose from Nine West. It's front and back are hot pink and the sides are light green. I liked it and so did she but every one else...

"That's ugly. I liked the silicon cover better." < My sister - mind you, she hated the silicon cover.

"That's tacky." < Pixie Rose's brother

As if that wasn't enough, now Pixie's co-worker got into it. He told her, "It's ALMOST as obnoxious as you are!" Damn, if that cover was a person, it would have killed itself already!

So it's Official

While my old jefe was on vacation, he got engaged to his lady friend. As it turns out, she was someone that we worked with. I always knew that there was something between them from the first time we went to lunch together. It was always their chemistry.

So anyways, now I can tell the gossip. He told me that he paid $16k for the 2 carat diamond alone! HELLO?! And then he put it on a white gold setting. WHAT?! I told him that he should have put it on a platinum setting and he said that it would have been too much.

My question is how much more. He already put $16K out what's a few grand more! That's like putting Omega Wheel Rims on a fucking Pinto. Ok, maybe not a pinto but you get the point.

Damn, I want to know what unemployment plan he is on! LOL

Monday, November 08, 2004

Let's Settle This

For those who don't know, I have been good friends with Pixie Rose since 1985. She is my best friend and no one could ask for a better friend. She and her family have been very blessed because of their consistent generousity and kindness.

Now, in 1984 - both of our mothers gave birth to younger siblings: she a brother and me a sister. So now some 19 years later, our siblings are dating! My only concern was my friendship. (I know it seems selfish but we have done alot together.) A wise jedi told me that if it didn't work out between them, they would have to deal not us. Of course he was right and any concern I had disappeared with that insight. (there were not Jedi mind tricks in involved... not that I can remember.)

Now this weekend, we went on a kind of "double-date" and we had a great time. My sister wanted to ask me if I was still concerned but she lost her nerve. SO I will answer it right now... I am not concerned. Be happy.

I have the picture of us in the italian restaurant on my desk. I know my sister didn't like it but... wah! ::sticking out tongue::

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Product Placement

In my Java class, we have started on the topic of applets. Basically we are creating extremely basic graphic thingies. Anyways, our project for next week requires us to make a TARGET!

For those who don't know, I loves me some Target. So to create one in an applet will be a pleasure.

Now, I was just thinking - as much as I tell people about Target, shouldn't I be getting a discount or something? I want some residual checks or some store credit.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Blogger is the new Florida

Talk about delays. I emailed posts yesterday and they are just coming up today! At least they weren't turned away from the mail servers...

ANYWAY! WTF?! I can not believe that Bush was elected! I will NOT use the word again since I know that GORE was elected in 2000. (YES! I will still hang on that!) It's a sad day. Very sad.

Laws were passed yesterday making marriage a man-woman union. What does that matter when jobs are being outsourced and people's unemployment is running out because they can't find decent jobs? This country is so vain.

How fitting that I am listening to A Perfect Circle's version of Imagine. Depressed hope is all this country has right now.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

One for Kerry

Yes I voted today. I believe I pulled the lever between 7-7:06 this morning. I had to be sure to get up early in order to hit the polls before work since I have class tonight.

I was curled up in my down blanket when my alarm went off. I was planning to steal another 15 minutes when my "Puppi Chulo" Lucky came over as if to tell me, "GET UP!" So up I got and took care of business. As always, my community is always motivated to vote. Although it will be busier tonight, I was surprised how many people were up voting this early November morning.

Ah, I love The Bronx.

Free iPod

YES, I do have an iPod but I am trying to help my sister get one!

All I need is 5 people to sign up and I will get a free iPod for my sister. All you have to do is join, complete and online offer, and refer friends to do the same. It's not a scam. People have gotten iPods this way. Alas, I paid for mine!

Here is my referral link. To help me get my iPod, click this exact link to join, or copy and paste it into a browser:

BTW, I heard the best offer is the one. Please post a comment when you have signed up! Thank you.

As soon as she gets one, I will post a pic with her and her iPod.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Conspiracy Theory

I was thinking about how the Boston Red Sox won the World Series. Mind you, I know jack shit about sports but I will continue. I am thinking it was fixed. I was thinking that someone pulled the strings to get the Yankees to lose so that New Yorkers would be pissed enough not to vote for Kerry since he likes the Red Sox. Dubya will do anything to win. See what sugar does to a person's mind.