Sunday, September 16, 2007

Best experience at GameStop

In February, I was at a GameStop in Middletown, NY. I was waiting for my sister and her boyfriend to finish up and I saw this young kid trying to trade-in "Lost Planet". The sales clerk gave him a price of $19.

That sharp-ass kid asked him why so little especially when they are selling used copies for $44.99. The clerk told him in a snarky tone, "Well, that is what you call business." So the kid snatched his gamebox back and replied, "Well, your business SUCKS!"

Who said video games make kids dumb?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Is that what the "M" is for?

This past Sunday, I made a trip with my mother to the game store so she could get a Zelda skin for her GameCube. While we were waiting on line to pay, I had the opportunity to see a dumb-ass parent buying games with her kids.

Apparently, she let 10-year old "Jimmy" run around and pick some used games since they were on sale. Never once did she look at the box for the rating or the content, she just looked at the price. Everything was fine in their world until she gave the empty cases to the clerk. He looked through the games and stopped at one and gave the mother a look. He then ASKED her if she was aware that the game had a mature rating. Not wanting to look stupid, she said sure.

He looks the kid and then at her again and repeats himself. She smiles and replies yes. So he then tells her that he has to ask her and then he asks her if she even read what the game was about. It was forward but as a gamer, I understand his frustration.

Not wanting to look stupid again, she takes the box and reads it. She tells the clerk, "OH,NO!" and gives her son an evil eye and tells him to get something else.

Now, my complaint is why is she giving her kid the evil eye. She is the parent. She probably buys him all the Nickelodeon and Disney movies but obviously doesn't take the time to educate herself about video games.

I was glad that the clerk pushed the issue. All we need is another (grand)parent suing because they didn't know about the (hidden) content of the game!

Oh, the game? Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories for the PSP.

What Handicap?

It has been an interesting trimester. The blind in one eye guy in my class is a HUGE manipulator. He has used every excuse in the book to delay his taking of the test. Some were valid, he had a seizure and his brother died (not at the same time). But now he has been milking it. He most recent excuses were that he didn't want the stress of taking the test to bring on a seizure before he went to the doctor (?) and he had to go to court with his sister-in-law for a family issue.
So why all the delays? Apparently, he likes to ask people what was on the test so he can better prepare for the test. One guy was nice enough to give him hints for the first test. But now because he failed the first exam, he is asking people for a copy of the test. I bet you are wondering how I know... well, the first guy he asked warned a group of us! And as of Monday, he was harassing the other guy in my class for a copy of the test.
Before all this, I had asked him how he made it through his undergraduate work and he told me that the professors made special concessions for him. Most of my classmates and I are wondering if he cheated his way through. It seems more likely than not from the behavior he is currently displaying.
Now no one wants to help him. He has not asked me because had he, I would have informed the professor. Considering there are 2 people in my class that failed the first 2 tests, it's insulting to them as well as the rest of us who struggled through both test.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Dumb American?

It has been a long summer. I decided that after a year, I was ready to begin pursuing my Master's degree... again. 2004, was not a good year. I started a new job and started my degree. Due to issues at work, I became incredibly discouraged about alot of things and it began to affect my schoolwork. As it turns out, I got a C+ in my Java 2 class which caused the college to put me on probation! (For the graduate program, I had to have a B in this class.) Now, in order for me to move forward I have to take the class again. OK, so I am.

During my first class, I encounter a guy who informs me that he needs a notetaker. I tell him that he can copy my notes if need be. By the end of class, I realize that he has a problem seeing (he is blind in one eye) and so I extend my offer again. As it turns out, I had to sign a sheet for his counselor at the college. Ok, fine. It also turns out he is in my Java 2 class, so now he takes a copy of my notes in that class.

So why am I mentioning this? Well, primarily because he has been HARASSING me for a copy of my assignments and the fact that I overheard him telling someone that Americans were stupid! (Did I mention that the blind guy is East Indian?) WTF?

Let me put it in context. During our break, he was telling another classmate (who happens to be chinese) that his brother just got his PHD in computer engineering or something like that and he gets paid WELL! He says that he brother gets all this work because americans are dumb and can't do the work. This leads him to believe that he will get companies to sponsor him (since he is on a student visa) for this reason.

Now, he doesn't realize that I heard him but I plan to let him know that if Americans are so dumb, why does he want a copy of my work?

Monday, July 17, 2006

Hell hath no fury...

What a hot day! It was at least 100 degrees out there. Well, it might have just gotten hotter for someone named Steven. Apparently he has been cheating on his wife, Emily, and she did what any self respecting woman would do. She rented a billboard.

Hi Steven Billboard According to the billboard, she has it all on videotape.

Bet he didn't see this coming.

(Update 7-19-06: Apparently those cocksucking marketers have gotten us good. This morning on the Consumerist they posted that this billboard is an ad for a CourtTV show called Parco P.I.)

Monday, June 19, 2006

F*cking USPS

I have been using GameFly for over a year. For some reason, I have not been getting all of my games. It seems like every other game has been stolen.

I have no doubt that it's an internal theft. There have been numerous reports about NetFlix rentals being stolen internally by postal workers so why not GameFly game rentals!

This weekend, I had to report my 7th or 8th no show! I contacted GameFly and filed a report. Now they have a link to complain to the post office. So I also filed a complaint with the post office.

Today I received an email from GameFly telling me:

"In reviewing your account, you have a number of reported shipping problems indicating that the postal route may be experiencing difficulties. We want to provide you with the highest level of service possible and require a secure postal route to deliver. If another game is reported lost, we will need to review your account to determine if we can continue service to you. "

Unfucking believable. I feel like I am in a 3rd world country! I don't consistantly get my mail and it's my fault! Believe me, alot of the games I rent are not worth keeping. I can not believe that the fucking thief has not realized that yet. I don't get shooters or war sims so WTF!

Now I gotta download another form (Form 1510) and file it with the USPS. Maybe if they stop sending those fucking games in orange envelopes, I wouldn't have this problem!

And the sad thing is that I live in The Bronx and my current mail person(s) is a fucking moron. They don't read the apartment number so other people with my last name get my mail (and vice versa) OR they just throw the mail in the boxes and let us sort it out! Due to this, I had the GameFly rentals going to my mother's house in Mt Vernon.

Well, so instead of a moron - I have to deal with mail theft.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Someone I knew

Weirdness. On Easter weekend, my brother was up in NYC visiting so I took him around. We ended up on St. Mark's Place since he was interesting in getting some cds and a souvenir for his girlfriend.

We went into a store and behind the counter was a guy I used to know. I am not sure if he used to work at the comic shop but I knew his face! And from the look in his eyes, he knew my face.

It was weird because I rarely bump into people I used to know anymore. To be honest, I used to hate bumping into people I knew in high school because I always got the feeling that they were surprised that I wasn't more successful. Sad, huh?

I kinda wish I said something to him. Just to put a name to his face. This Friday I expect to be in the city. Maybe I will go back there and get his name for my memory's sake.

Monday, April 17, 2006

back from outer space

Man, oh, man...

It has been a few months! Let me break it down in bullets...

  • Jury Duty for 2 weeks! LOVED IT!
  • Started taking Japanese lessons on the weekends.
  • Been playing Tetris DS and Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! on my DS.
  • watching too much Law and Order: SVU and CI on USA.
  • Started playing The Warriors for the PS2.

Yeah, nothing exciting.