Thursday, March 10, 2005

Take responsiblity for your actions

This morning I read an article about a young guy who killed 3 people and his laywer is saying that a video game called "Grand Theft Auto" was the reason.

Here are some of the things his lawyer said:

  • "He bought it as a minor." So sue the store (which they are doing.) They are suppose to ID for M rated games.
  • "He played it hundreds of hours, which is primarily a cop-killing game." It's not a cop killing game. Play it, idiot. If you mess with a cop, your wanted stars go up and you will get jacked if you don't lay low and chill out. (I am speaking about GTA3. I have not played San Andreas.)
  • "It's our theory, which we think we can prove to a jury in Alabama, that, but for the video-game training, he would not have done what he did." This kid was screwed up to begin with if the game influenced him to commit crime. If an Alabama jury finds that it was the video game then you know that the water is truly bad down there.

As someone who has played Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice City, I can tell you that I have never had the urge to commit a crime because of these games. I will tell you that excessive game play with leave a residue. For example, I am now playing Resident Evil 4 for the Gamecube. If you find birdnest and shot them, you get a spinel. Yesterday, I found myself looking at the leafless trees on the highway (I wasn't driving) and when I saw the birdnest, I thought of the game. Did I think of shooting it? Nah.

It's a shame that 3 people were killed but to put it on the video game industry is a farce. People get influenced by many things but the only thing that causes a person to act on it is themselves.


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